Our Story

Hello! I’m Monique Lo, the owner and founder of Belly Binding Melbourne. As a nurse and a mom, I embarked on this journey because I faced the same challenge as you. I couldn't find a professional and trustworthy belly binding therapist after having my baby. I knew that this experience had to change for mothers like us.

Transitioning into motherhood can be an overwhelming journey. Post-childbirth, it's crucial for new mothers to feel confident and well-supported every day. That's the essence of Belly Binding Melbourne - we're not just a brand; we're a compassionate friend for new mothers. I understand the challenges that come with motherhood, and I'm here to offer support.

Our BengKung belly binding techniques are carefully crafted to bring numerous benefits. They aid in lower back support, posture improvement, a faster return to pre-pregnancy body shape, and a quicker restoration of vitality.

This isn't just about tradition; it's about empowering mothers to embrace their journey with strength and grace. Your story is our story. We're here to support mothers just as I was supported.

Welcome to a new chapter of motherhood.



我是Belly Binding Melbourne的創辦人Monique Lo。作為一名澳洲註冊護士和媽媽,當在生完寶寶後,我在澳洲本地無法找到專業可信的產後腹部按摩紥肚治療師。我因而進修並開始從事這方面的行業,加上過去有在澳洲墨爾本各大醫院多年的臨床醫護工作經驗,希望能夠好好運用我的所能,為產後媽媽提供專業知識和服務。


重拾自信心和提供良好的支持,對於產後媽媽來說非常重要,Belly Binding Melbourne 並不僅僅是一個品牌,我們了解母親角色帶來的挑戰,希望透過專業的腹部按摩和度身設計的古法紥肚技術,為媽媽產後重塑腰型提供支持,盡快回復到懷孕前的身體美態,重拾活力和自信。

